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Book and Audiobook Becoming Movie: Betty the Dancer (A Dance with Destiny)

Book and Audiobook Becoming Movie: Betty the Dancer (A Dance with Destiny)

Betty the Dancer (A Dance with Destiny) becomes one of the greatest timeless biographical novel the Dancer: A Dance with Destiny Becoming Movie: Betty the Dancer (A Dance with Destiny) Book and Audiobook to read and listen before their Movie adaptations come out …each reader creates his own film inside his head, gives faces to […]

The post Book and Audiobook Becoming Movie: Betty the Dancer (A Dance with Destiny) first appeared on The Offspring Session.

Melodic New Album by Samir Bodhi Sheds Light on our Loss of Empathy in Wake of Recent Global Crises

Melodic New Album by Samir Bodhi Sheds Light on our Loss of Empathy in Wake of Recent Global Crises

Memories of Empathy, a new album by Samir Bodhi. Indian born composer, producer and guitarist Samir Bodhi. Samir Bodhi unites a group of renowned musicians for a new age fusion album of traditional Indian melodies and instruments merged with relaxing Western beats. If we want to create a more peaceful world, we all must start […]

The post Melodic New Album by Samir Bodhi Sheds Light on our Loss of Empathy in Wake of Recent Global Crises first appeared on The Offspring Session.

P.C. Smith’s The Shingle Weaver’s Picnic Earns Pacific Book Review’s Notable Book Award

P.C. Smith’s The Shingle Weaver’s Picnic Earns Pacific Book Review’s Notable Book Award

MainSpring Books Logo P.C. Smith’s The Shingle Weaver’s Picnic The Shingle Weaver’s Picnic P.C. Smith Acclaimed Author P.C. Smith Honored with Notable Book Award for Touching Novel Smith is a gifted storyteller…It’s a story as compelling as it is troubling, and most certainly a memorable one.” — Pacific Book Review LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, […]

The post P.C. Smith’s The Shingle Weaver’s Picnic Earns Pacific Book Review’s Notable Book Award first appeared on The Offspring Session.