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Author O. Ann Scholastica Wilson Hoernschemeyer’s new Audiobook ‘The Eucharist: Jesus This Is Your Heart’ is a powerful work encouraging listeners to keep faith in God

Author O. Ann Scholastica Wilson Hoernschemeyer’s new Audiobook ‘The Eucharist: Jesus This Is Your Heart’ is a powerful work encouraging listeners to keep faith in GodRecent audiobook release “The Eucharist: Jesus This Is Your Heart” from Audiobook Network author O. Ann Scholastica Wilson Hoernschemeyer is an uplifting work that reminds listeners of Jesus’ presence within Holy Communion. Hoernschemeyer encourages listeners to keep their hearts open and ready to receive God’s healing graces, even in one’s darkest moments.

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. – August 22, 2022 – (

O. Ann Scholastica Wilson Hoernschemeyer, a proud author and grandmother who keeps Jesus in the forefront of all she does, has completed her new audiobook “The Eucharist: Jesus This Is Your Heart”: a stirring revelation of the power Jesus possesses to save those who seek out his salvation through receiving Holy Communion.

Writes Hoernschemeyer, “I have given you what the Father God has in His heart for His children. Focus on God’s divine will for your lives. His greatest joy is to fill our troubled hearts with peace. First, we must empty our hearts from all concerns, and then we receive and are ready to cherish God’s will and treasures. God so desires our salvation.

“We praise Him to be in His presence. In adoration, Jesus looks at us, and we look at Him. We confess our sins, repent, and come properly to receive Him in the Eucharist. It tastes like honey, the foretaste of heaven, because we are with Him in the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Be holy as He is holy.”

Published by Audiobook Network, author O. Ann Scholastica Wilson Hoernschemeyer’s new audiobook encourages listeners to keep their faith in Christ and strengthen their bonds with Jesus in all aspects of their lives, no matter how others might react.

Listeners can purchase the audiobook edition of “The Eucharist: Jesus This Is Your Heart” by O. Ann Scholastica Wilson Hoernschemeyer through Audible, the Apple iTunes Store, or Amazon. 

Audiobooks are the fastest growing segment in the digital publishing industry. According to The Infinite Dial 2019, 50% of Americans age 12 and older have listened to an audiobook. This huge growth can be partly attributed to increased listening in cars, which surpassed the home as the #1 audiobook listening location in the 2019 survey. Smart speaker proliferation also bodes well for future listening growth and more mainstream listening. 

Audiobook Network, Inc. (ABN) is a full-service audiobook publishing company that transforms authors’ books or e-books to life through audio narration. ABN handles narration, production, audio editing, digital formatting, distribution, promotion, and royalty collections all under one roof. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Audiobook Network at 866-296-7774.

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Author O. Ann Scholastica Wilson Hoernschemeyer’s new Audiobook ‘The Eucharist: Jesus This Is Your Heart’ is a powerful work encouraging listeners to keep faith in God

Author O. Ann Scholastica Wilson Hoernschemeyer’s new Audiobook ‘The Eucharist: Jesus This Is Your Heart’ is a powerful work encouraging listeners to keep faith in God

Author Kathy DuBois’s New Book ‘Written Scars’ is a Collection of Significant Poems That Together Tell the Story of How the Author Became the Person She is Today

Author Kathy DuBois’s New Book ‘Written Scars’ is a Collection of Significant Poems That Together Tell the Story of How the Author Became the Person She is TodayRecent release “Written Scars” from Newman Springs Publishing author Kathy DuBois is a compelling collection of poems that show the struggles the author has battled with when it comes to the relationships in her life while coping with anxiety.

PEMBROKE, Ky. – August 22, 2022 – (

Kathy DuBois, who is studying journalism and creative writing, has completed her new book “Written Scars”: a gripping and potent collection of poems that are presented to readers in their rawest form and hold a mix of different emotions which in turn have given the author the courage to share her work and express herself in hopes that someone else can find the inspiration to express themselves as well.

Author Kathy DuBois has been writing for most of her life, though it wasn’t always for fun.

Ms. DuBois started writing to communicate when she was younger as she had trouble talking due to a speech impediment. Over the years, writing became more than a simple form of communication; it became a source of entertainment and excitement for her. It was a way to connect with others as well as to create unique worlds or express difficult feelings about everyday life. In the future, Ms. DuBois has plans to expand into a range of fictional novels as well as continue her works of poetry.

Kathy DuBois’s insightful collection includes poems such as “The City of Lights,” “Perfect Reality (Dream-Filled Wish),” “Eventually, With Hope,” “Nighttime Reminders,” “Where I Am From…The Southern Side,” and many more. 

Published by Newman Springs Publishing, Kathy DuBois’s empowering poetry has been written to show readers that they can overcome fear, anxiety, and all different kinds of emotions by channeling them into words. 

Readers who wish to experience this inspiring work can purchase “Written Scars” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iBooks Store, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Newman Springs Publishing at 732-243-8512.

About Newman Springs Publishing: 

Newman Springs Publishing is a full-service publishing house for serious authors. Each title produced by Newman Springs Publishing undergoes every step of the professional publishing process, including editing, layout, cover design, circulation, distribution, and publicity. All titles are made available in both eBook and print formats. Newman Springs Publishing distributes to tens of thousands of retail outlets throughout North America and internationally. All manuscripts in any genre are welcome to be submitted for review; If the manuscript meets the necessary criteria and is accepted for publication, Newman Springs Publishing will work closely with the author to bring the book to the retail market for a relatively inexpensive initial investment.

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Author Kathy DuBois’s New Book ‘Written Scars’ is a Collection of Significant Poems That Together Tell the Story of How the Author Became the Person She is Today

Leah Omar’s New Book ‘Between Sunsets’ is the story of a strong, independent woman who gives up her jet-setting ways to return to the small town where she was raised

Leah Omar’s New Book ‘Between Sunsets’ is the story of a strong, independent woman who gives up her jet-setting ways to return to the small town where she was raised

MINNEAPOLIS – August 22, 2022 – (

Fulton Books author Leah Omar, a Minneapolis resident, accomplished career-woman, wife, mother of two, and basketball and spicy food fan, has completed her most recent book “Between Sunsets”: a gripping story of a worldly woman who gives up her nomadic life to take care of her elderly grandparents.

Omar’s novels feature strong female leads on a path to self-discovery. Her breakout novel “Labor of Love” was published in April of 2021. She holds bachelor’s degrees in communications and English literature and a master’s in business administration.

Published by Fulton Books, Omar’s book follows Camilla Bergland, a woman who has never called anywhere home, happy to be tied to no one and no place. Camilla has few possessions and doesn’t stick around any one setting for too long. When she finds out her grandparents need help, she volunteers to spend the summer at their lake cottage in Wheaton, a small town where she spent her summers growing up.

What she didn’t anticipate was relishing the precious time with her grandparents despite her grandmother’s increasingly heartbreaking Alzheimer’s, small-town life, and reconnecting with childhood friends.

All roads in Wheaton seem to lead to Jake Abram, her childhood crush and the person she spent her summers following around, but the kindhearted Jake she had idolized seventeen years ago has become a different person. He’s rude, edgy, and likes to remind Camilla that while she’s been traveling the globe, she’s also been neglecting her grandparents and their growing needs. Unfortunately, Jake’s the only one who can help her fix up her grandparents’ rundown lakefront cottage. Before long, she’s made a deal with the devil. He’ll help Camilla renovate the cottage in exchange for her decorating his lake home next door.

The more time they spend together, the more she remembers why she used to like him back in the day. But can their growing attraction survive the secrets he’s keeping and Camilla’s determination to always leave before she can get hurt?

Readers who wish to experience this absorbing work can purchase “Between Sunsets” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Gregory Reeves via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 877-210-0816.

Press Release Service

Original Source:

Leah Omar’s New Book ‘Between Sunsets’ is the story of a strong, independent woman who gives up her jet-setting ways to return to the small town where she was raised