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Christian Music Artist Spenser Olson Shared In An Exclusive Interview What Music Means To Him

Christian Music Artist Spenser Olson Shared In An Exclusive Interview What Music Means To Him

Spenser Olson is a talented singer-songwriter known for his heartfelt lyrics and captivating melodies. BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA, UNITED STATES, July 13, 2023/ — Spenser Olson, a rising star in the music industry, is captivating audiences with his unique blend of heartfelt lyrics and captivating melodies. With his latest interview featured on Canvas Rebel, fans and music […]

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Dark Shadows Legend Kathryn Leigh Scott To Appear At The Mad Monster Expo August 25-27 Concord, NC

Dark Shadows Legend Kathryn Leigh Scott To Appear At The Mad Monster Expo August 25-27 Concord, NC

Kathryn Leigh Scott at Mad Monster Expo Kathryn Leigh Scott Mad Monster Expo (photo by Ben Martin) ASHEVILLE, NC, USA, July 13, 2023/ — Legendary actress Kathryn Leigh Scott, best known for her roles in gothic soap opera Dark Shadows as Maggie Evans and Josette DuPres, will be appearing at the Mad Monster Expo 2023 […]

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From SF to Tokyo: MetaCher Brings the ‘Prompt is Art’ Concept to Tokyo With AI+I=All?

From SF to Tokyo: MetaCher Brings the ‘Prompt is Art’ Concept to Tokyo With AI+I=All?

MetaCher’s Refreshing Tokyo Solo Exhibition on AI and Human Imagination

From SF to Tokyo: MetaCher Brings the ‘Prompt is Art’ Concept to Tokyo With AI+I=All?
\/imagine…Prompt IS Art

From SF to Tokyo: MetaCher Redefines the Art-AI Connection with ‘Prompt IS Art’

Silicon Valley-based artist MetaCher recently closed /imagine… AI+I=All?, a solo exhibition that explored the role of AI prompts in generated images and their intrinsic relationship to the human mind. The exhibition ran in the ARTiX³ Gallery from June 27 to July 1, 2023. It is a poetic continuation of her current research—AI prompts as art—established during her previous New York exhibition, Prompt IS Art.

Like the concept of “the medium is the message” proposed by McLuhan, MetaCher said, “The unique medium of AI prompts have become this era’s distinctive material, playing a crucial role in highlighting the interaction between humans and large-scale models.”

/imagine…Prompt IS Art

MetaCher extended her exhibition from New York to Tokyo. The artwork features the “/imagine…” and includes the prompt from the early AI software Midjourney, representing the artist’s understanding of the current era. The choice of the word “imagine” symbolizes the beginning of a shared imaginative era between humans and machines. The art installation contained screens, musical devices, projector, and a robotic arm, evoking a mysterious ritualistic atmosphere. In uniting them, these devices created an ensemble that sparked imagination and collaboration among the artist, viewers, and those behind the screens.

Donate Your Prompt

One of the groundbreaking artworks of the exhibition, Donate Your Prompt, combines prompts from MetaCher’s previous exhibitions to form AI-generated videos. It absorbs real-time data—as viewers stand close to it and move, they see the prompts behind the visuals. An invisible but existent barrier is broken by bringing in the viewers; there is a sense of shared participation and ownership. Furthermore, the gallery’s real-time atmospheric conditions inform the visuals. This complex work suggests that technology, when prompted by humans, can also perceive. MetaCher describes her inspiration for Donate Your Prompt as “our imagination for the future and our participation in the present.”

/imagine…Touch the Future

This thought-provoking artwork sparks dialogue on the benefits and drawbacks of AI integration, encouraging critical engagement. Prompt words, circuit boards, and AI-generated artworks highlight their relevance. MetaCher emphasizes the vital role of prompts in guiding AI while emphasizing the importance of human imagination and participation. The creative process is valued as initial ideas hold their own beauty. 


During the exhibition, MetaCher shared her thoughts with visitors, alongside co-speaker Professor Jin from the College of Art at Nihon University. 

The art world has experienced an influx of AI art in recent years. However, MetaCher introduces an innovative perspective regarding AI in art and, more specifically, the role of human imagination and ingenuity in AI prompts. 

Contact Information:

Avery Morgan


[email protected]

Related Images

\/imagine...Prompt IS Art

\/imagine…Prompt IS Art

From SF to Tokyo: MetaCher Redefines the Art-AI Connection with ‘Prompt IS Art’

\/imagine...Touch the Future

\/imagine…Touch the Future

From SF to Tokyo: MetaCher Redefines the Art-AI Connection with ‘Prompt IS Art’

Donate Your Prompt

Donate Your Prompt

From SF to Tokyo: MetaCher Redefines the Art-AI Connection with ‘Prompt IS Art’

Original Source:

From SF to Tokyo: MetaCher Brings the ‘Prompt is Art’ Concept to Tokyo With AI+I=All?

The post From SF to Tokyo: MetaCher Brings the ‘Prompt is Art’ Concept to Tokyo With AI+I=All? first appeared on TREND MAG.

The Mama Bear Effect Nonprofit Denounces Conspiracy Claims Regarding ‘Sound of Freedom’ Film

The Mama Bear Effect Nonprofit Denounces Conspiracy Claims Regarding ‘Sound of Freedom’ Film

Misrepresentation of “Sound of Freedom” film as conspiracy takes away focus on the real-life experience of children trafficked every day.

“Sound of Freedom” is an inspiring film about the fight against human trafficking. Despite some media outlets like Rolling Stone criticizing it, the movie shines a light on a subset of real-life traffickers and abusers that target innocent children. The powerful impact of this film is not about the “hero” who rescues these children, but the characterization of the pain, fear, sadness, and trauma for the children and their families. 

It is not unknown that predators travel to countries like the Philippines and Thailand to sexually abuse children. In third-world countries where poverty increases vulnerability for children, sexual exploitation and kidnapping is not conspiracy, but reality. In 2005, after a tsunami, an international effort was mobilized to protect orphans from being targeted by traffickers and pedophiles. To suggest that it is beyond the realm of belief that these crimes occur is to deny the very reality that is playing out on a daily basis. 

Adrianne Simeone, founder and president of The Mama Bear Effect, a nonprofit organization educating the public on the issues of child sexual abuse, had this to share:

“Sound of Freedom is a raw movie that takes a hard look at the heartbreaking issue of child sexual abuse and child trafficking. It demands attention to the fact childhood is being exploited throughout our world, and that we must do our part as a society to protect children and break free from blindly seeing victims as statistics.”

Child sexual abuse and trafficking is not an issue that can be broken down in one film; we need to shed more light on this very dark and insidious issue. Just this past June, it was exposed again how platforms, like Instagram, are being used as networking sites for predators. This is not new information, yet society continues to respond with shock but not sufficient action. 

When Ghislaine Maxwell was sentenced to 20 years for trafficking vulnerable teen girls in New York, Mexico, Florida, and the Virgin Islands, with deceased partner Jeffery Epstein, not one other accomplice was named; it is the opinion of The Mama Bear Effect, these abusers are potentially being shielded by the very authorities we hold responsible to bring such criminals to justice. 

Patrice Griffin of the nonprofit organization Patrice’s Kids and author of “The Unconscious Community,” stands in support with The Mama Bear Effect: “As a survivor of child sexual abuse and trafficking, I have to carry this pain with me for the rest of my life. The Sound of Freedom brings the truth to light. Unfortunately, this is a reality for a lot of children. We need more movies like this to bring awareness and create better laws to protect children from abuse and trafficking instead of protecting predators.”

Contact Information:

Adrianne Simeone

President, The Mama Bear Effect

[email protected]


Original Source:

The Mama Bear Effect Nonprofit Denounces Conspiracy Claims Regarding ‘Sound of Freedom’ Film

The post The Mama Bear Effect Nonprofit Denounces Conspiracy Claims Regarding ‘Sound of Freedom’ Film first appeared on TREND MAG.



MURRAY HILL, NJ, UNITED STATES, July 13, 2023/ — “In The Shadow Of The Sign – My Life in Pictures” By Renee Patin Farrington Renee Patin Farrington grew up as a child of Hollywood and in her richly illustrated, insightful and whimsical memoir IN THE SHADOW OF THE SIGN, she shares the entertaining reflections of […]

The post BearManor Media Releases “IN THE SHADOW OF THE SIGN- MY LIFE IN PICTURES” first appeared on The Offspring Session.