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CGTN UN: The “Journey through Civilizations” launch ceremony held at the UNUSA – EnglishUSA – English

CGTN UN: The “Journey through Civilizations” launch ceremony held at the UNUSA – EnglishUSA – English

CGTN UN releases The “Journey through Civilizations” Exhibit held at the UN Headquarters

WASHINGTON, July 1, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The “Journey Through Civilizations” exhibit, organized by CCTV United Nations Bureau, is under way at the United Nations. The display will continue through July 7.  An official launch ceremony was held at the UN on June 29.

CMG President Shen Haixiong delivered a video speech at the launch ceremony. “Chinese civilization promotes inclusiveness, flourishing through exchanges and mutual learning with others,” he said. He also stressed the China Media Group will uphold the mission of the media to strengthen international cultural exchanges and promote dialogue across the globe.  

“As Secretary-General Guterres said, diversity is a richness, not a threat. Both China and the UN have always been champions of the diversity of civilizations. By holding this exhibition at the UN, we are showing our strong support for such diversity and the UN’s work in relevant fields.” Ambassador Zhang Jun, the Permanent Representative of China to the UN, said during his address at the ceremony.

Miguel Ángel Moratinos, the High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, explained that civilization in Chinese is a combined meaning of two words, culture and enlightenment. He highlighted that enlightenment is an important part in civilization, saying that we want to be enlightening to address problems of our society.

Hundreds of guests including UN officials and ambassadors attended the launch ceremony.

Renowned artists from China, the U.S. and Canada presented vivid performances to showcase China’s traditional techniques and arts, including an interactive ear acupuncture demonstration, tea ceremony, calligraphy, Guqin musical performance and poetry reading. 

It’s the first time the UN has incorporated a high-tech virtual game program into a traditional exhibition. High-tech video walls at the exhibit also create a stunning experience, where beautiful images of UNESCO World Heritage Sites – Mount Huangshan and Dazu Rock Carvings – are on display. 

“Journey Through Civilizations” is sponsored by the Chinese permanent mission to the UN, Sino-American Friendship Association and UNSRC Chinese Book Club.

Through a blend of exhibits, the event is an opportunity for member states to showcase the richness of their cultures, arts, traditions and historical narratives. 

Contact : Du Rui
[email protected]

(This material is distributed by MediaLinks TV, LLC on behalf of CCTV. Additional information is available at the U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.)

CGTN UN: The “Journey through Civilizations” launch ceremony held at the UNUSA – EnglishUSA – English


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