Julien Fournie. First Sunshine Spring Summer 2023 Couture Collection during Haute Couture Week.
Once upon a time there was a young magician named Julien who loved nature, the islands and the cycle of the stars. Ever since he was a teenager, he had heard of full moon parties that took place on beaches until the sun came out. They were meant to celebrate the earth and its environment, the sea and its magic, women freed from male domination. As soon as he was old enough to participate, he went everywhere to Goa, the Balearic Islands, the West Indies to finally join these moments of communion with mankind and the universe. He was imagining them to be festive and serene, nocturnal and intense, liberated and elegant. Each time, Julien, now a grownup adult, was disappointed: the excesses he was witnessing spoiled his expectations for harmony and jubilation. With the first ray of sunlight, Julien always found himself meditating about his delusion: particularly on these beaches where nature had worked wonders, shouldn't women and men magnify the joy of finding themselves in harmony with their peers and the cosmos? His hope of a party without bitterness gradually withered facing the obvious commercial aims displayed in these heavenly naturalsites and the lack of chic, revealing a poor self-respect.
One day, after all the excesses of mankind had been demonstrated, after the viruses had forbidden the parties to take place, Julien thought to himself: "What if instead of dreaming, I proposed my vision so that it gets a chance to materialize? How could he achieve this? With my own weapons, he said. The design tools I know can enhance looks on these festive occasions. It will also prove that nature can be magnified by the work of the best craftsmen across the world. And It will give me the opportunity to reveal that women have always, against all odds, sought to free themselves from the shackles imposedby societies.
As if the planets had aligned to answer Juliens thoughts, he then had the good fortune of meeting several fairies: first Fairy Emmanuelle, who brought him closer to the best weavers and knitters of natural fiber from the region of Lyons; then Fairy Aya who comforted him in the knowledge of the many embroidery techniques from India; finally Fairy Marie-Automne, who helped him find an elegant Parisian setting to present his vision. Cinderella's fairy godmothers had also woken up to whisper to Julien, "The dream that you wish will come true."...
Text and Photo: Press Julien Fournie
More on: www.julienfournie.com @julienfournie
Thanks: Lappartpr @lappartpr
By Senior Fashion Editor 24FashionTV: Christina V Henningstad @christina_henningstad
Fashion - Nu Woman Magazine originally published at Fashion - Nu Woman Magazine